This site is the property of AML Services sa
9, rue des Trois Cantons to L-8399-Windhof
Telephone:(+352) 28 38 32 95 Mail:
Trade register number: B241 393 – VAT LU318 60 271

Source of AML data & sanctions lists

Our sub-contractor, NameScan, collects AML information from premium sources such as Thomson Reuters World-Check, Acuris Risk Intelligence and also has its own database. 1stKYC is permanently connected to NameScan via an API, ensuring that every search is processed in real time.

All sanctions lists (around 300 globally recognised lists) are permanently connected to NameScan and are updated in continuous flow. The inventory of the sanctions list is available on request at

The PEP’s database contains more than 1,500,000 profiles of natural persons and the list of sanctioned persons is also of the order of 1,500,000 persons. The Adverse media database contains around 400,000 articles with a monthly growth rate of around 10%.

Information processing

Data Protection Officer: since the company has less than 25 employees, no DPO has been formally appointed. Persons with questions about this are invited to contact Mr Michel Vansimpsen

In terms of data processing, the company records two types of information:

– commercial: this refers to data entered by prospects when searching for information about the site or registering for a free trial period. Only the email address, surname & first name of the user are required. The prospect always has access to this information, which is visible in the “My profile” section and can be consulted or modified by him/her at his/her convenience.

Anyone who has registered as a prospect and has not switched to a paid version will have their access to their data blocked after 15 days. However, the prospect can still delete his data via the DELETE function in “My profile”. Beyond 6 months without access, an email will be sent to the user to inform him that his data will be automatically deleted within the week, in the absence of a reaction from him.

The data collected for the purpose of collecting commercial information is intended for processing by our commercial department and never leaves the company.

– professional: this refers to data entered by registered and paying users as part of their normal use of the application. Only users have access to this data, which is encrypted by the system.


Cookies are used to store your actions and preferences for a given time.

We place cookies on our website. These allow us to save some of your preferences and to provide us with anonymous feedback on your use of our website. The unique purpose of these cookies is to improve our site by making your user experience easier. We save: your language preference, the pages visited, the movement of your mouse on our website, a record of your journey on our pages. The information collected in this way is not intended to identify you.

Cookies are not essential to the use of the site, however they allow you to facilitate this experience.

Our partners in setting up these cookies are Calendly, Continually, Google Analytics & Ads and WordPress.

Intellectual Property

The content of the site, including its name, is the exclusive property of AML Services sa and is protected by registrations with the European Intellectual Property Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Any user wishing to obtain further information or lodge a complaint may contact the Commission for the Protection of Privacy at the following address: National Commission for the Protection of Privacy, whose head office is located at 1, avenue du Rock’n’Roll in L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette. Contact with this organization can be made via the following link: htp://